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Frequently Asked Questions

What do the letters stand for after your name “MA, CCC-SLP, BCBA"?

MA : Master's degree in Speech Language Pathology

CCC-SLP : ASHA's Certificate of Clinical Competence for Speech-Language Pathologists

BCBA : Board Certified Behavior Analyst 

Are you an SLP or BCBA?


Lynaya is both a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) and Board Certified Behavior analyst (BCBA). She began her career as an SLP. After a few years on the job she began consulting as an SLP at an ABA clinic. As she learned more about ABA, she realized  the teaching strategies she was already using were behavioral in nature.  Lynaya decided for further her education by getting a Graduate Certificate in Behavior Analysis to gain a solid foundation in behavioral principles. Now, she sees each field as a benefit to the other - being a BCBA makes her a better SLP - and being an SLP makes her a better BCBA. They work so well together! 


Click here to read more about how speech and ABA go together.

I’m confused about the services you provide. Do you provide speech services or behavioral services?


We provide both! Additionally, communication disorders and behavioral challenges are often linked. When children have difficulty communicating their wants and needs, we often see negative behavior emerge.


At SLBS, we utilize evidence-based principles of learning and motivation to make changes in behavior. These “behaviors" can be ANYTHING: imitating sounds, doing homework, learning to eat new foods, putting words together to make sentences, or producing past tense verbs. The application of behavioral principles are endless! Read more below! 


Check out this article about using effective teaching procedures based on ABA during other therapy types - written by another SLP/BCBA! 

My child was evaluated through the public school system but did not qualify to receive services, but I would like a second opinion.


There are instances when the public school system (including EarlyOn) or a medical facility completes an evaluation and deems the child does not qualify to receive services - however, in some cases the child would still benefit from strategic interventions. We actually see this outcome quite often and are happy to provide a second opinion. Please contact us and we can further discuss how we can work to support your child’s needs.

Do you provide traditional comprehensive ABA services?


We provide focused behavioral interventions and parent training to assist with challenging behaviors or difficulties completing daily routines. We do not provide comprehensive ABA services at this time. Learn about our services.

Where do you provide services?


Generally - speech and language services are provided at home or at the child's daycare/childcare center. Behavioral services are provided in home. If you are located outside of Ann Arbor, additional mileage fees may apply.

Do you provide services for children who attend Private Schools or are homeschooled? 

Yes, absolutely! 

Why is early intervention so important?


Time and time again, research shows learning and development are at their highest rate in first five years of life. Children who exhibit delays may miss out on valuable learning opportunities and put them at risk for having difficulties as they get older and begin school. At SLBS, we recognize the significance of brain development that occurs during child’s first years of life and hope to provide quality learning opportunities to maximize future outcomes. We also provide support and training for families and caregivers, which has been shown to be a key component of early intervention!


Click here to see 7 common myths about early intervention 


Also, check out what ASHA has to say about early identification of speech, language and hearing issues

My son is two and only says a few words. He mostly just points to things when he wants them. Can you help?


We see kids that fit this description frequently and have seen tremendous progress! However - we also know every child is very different.. In this case, we would like to meet you and your son to conduct an evaluation and gather more information. If we determine intervention is appropriate, we will develop a plan tailored specific to your son’s needs. Send us a message and we'd be happy to get this process started!


In the mean time,  Heres a great blog post  by an pediatric SLP. It also includes some great strategies to encourage speech & language development.

What is the difference between speech and language?


Great Question! Speech and language are two very different things that require different assessments, different approaches, and different interventions. ASHA describes speech as "How we say sounds and words" - and Language as "the words we use and how we use them to share ideas and get what we want". Ask me more about this topic :) 


Click here to learn more about the difference between speech and language

How often should my child be receiving speech language therapy?


In short - it depends on the child’s specific diagnosis and goals, as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses Research shows that children who display certain disorders may benefit from more frequent shorter sessions. Other children may benefit from longer less frequent sessions. This is something we will discuss and determine after an evaluation is completed. 

What questions do you have?
Send a message directly to Lynaya at SLBS.


Contact Us

Phone:  (734) 325-4112

Click here to send a message

Every child is a different kind of flower,
and all together make this world a beautiful garden. 
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